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Holistic Healthcare


Endocrinology Hospital In Hyderabad

Sri Sri Prema: Nurturing Well-being through Holistic Rehabilitation and Wellness Therapies

Sri Sri Prema, born out of the visionary approach of Sri Sri Holistic Hospitals, is dedicated to providing holistic healthcare to the people of Telangana. As a comprehensive health initiative, Sri Sri Prema offers a diverse range of services, including yoga, ayurveda, physiotherapy, and rehabilitation. Through these integrated practices, individuals are empowered to nurture their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. At Sri Sri Prema, we strive to create a harmonious environment where individuals can embark on their journey towards optimal health and holistic wellness.

Sri Sri Prema is situated very near to Sri Sri Holistic Hospitals, Nizampet, and is only a few minutes’ drive from Sri Sri Holistic Hospital, KPHB. This convenient location ensures easy accessibility for both patients and visitors.


Discover the transformative power of yoga at Sri Sri Prema, where we embrace the ancient practice that has flourished for over 5000 years. Rooted in tradition, yoga offers a comprehensive approach to improving the overall functioning of the human body and nurturing a balanced and fulfilling life.

Yoga classes at Sri Sri Prema are designed to provide a sanctuary for your well-being. Led by experienced instructors, our yoga classes offer expert guidance on proper poses and modifications, ensuring a safe and inclusive environment for individuals of all ages and abilities. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, our classes are tailored to meet your unique needs.

By immersing yourself in our yoga classes, you can experience an array of benefits that extend far beyond the physical realm. Strengthen your bones, build lean muscle, and improve your metabolism to foster a healthy and toxin-free body. Our classes also emphasize mindfulness, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression, and promoting mental well-being. Yoga has proven particularly effective in managing chronic pain, such as backaches. Our skilled instructors will provide modifications and techniques to help you find relief and enhance your overall quality of life. Through regular practice, you will unlock the transformative potential of yoga and cultivate resilience in the face of challenges.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and holistic healing at Sri Sri Prema. Our yoga classes provide a nurturing space where you can tap into your body’s wisdom and embrace the profound benefits that yoga has to offer.

Take the first step towards lifelong well-being and join our yoga classes at Sri Sri Holistic Hospitals. Contact us at 040-44 108 108. or visit our website at to explore our offerings and start your transformative yoga journey today. Rediscover balance, harmony, and vibrant health with yoga at Sri Sri Holistic Hospitals.


Experience the best physiotherapy in Hyderabad at Sri Sri Prema’s Physiotherapy department. Our state-of-the-art facilities and experienced physiotherapists are dedicated to improving mobility, function, and quality of life through physical therapy. As a specialized field in physical medicine and rehabilitation, we diagnose and treat individuals of all ages with medical conditions, injuries, or limitations that affect their movement and daily activities.

Our skilled physiotherapists conduct thorough assessments to deliver accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans. We collaborate with laboratory and imaging studies, if required, to ensure effective strategies. Treatment may include exercises, manual therapy, education, and physical agents like heat, cold, and electricity. We also provide prescriptions for assistive devices and interventions.

Take the first step towards improved mobility by scheduling a consultation with our dedicated team of physiotherapists. Visit our website at call us on 040-44 108 108.


Discover the healing power of Ayurveda at Sri Sri Prema. Our comprehensive Ayurvedic programs are rooted in the ancient practice of Ashtanga Ayurveda, which encompasses eight branches of holistic healing.

Our experienced practitioners offer personalized health, food, and lifestyle guidance through Nadi Pariksha, an ancient Ayurvedic technique of pulse diagnosis. Detoxify your body and mind with our customized Panchakarma program, which includes five different detoxification procedures tailored to your unique needs. Rejuvenate your body and mind with our Ayurvedic rejuvenation therapies, including:

  • Abhyanga (body massage with medicated oils)
  • Shirodhara (pouring medicated oil/decoction on forehead)
  • Udwartana (dry powder/paste massage)
  • Janu/Kati/Greeva/Shiro Basti and Pichu
  • Sweda (various types of sweat therapy)

Our Ayurveda Pharmacy offers a wide range of medicines, cosmetics, and organic products to support your healing journey. Boost your child’s immunity with our monthly Swarnaprashanam program and receive expert antenatal care through our Garbhasankara program. Improve your eye health with our Netra Kriya Kalpa treatments and exercises and receive postnatal care through our Ayurvedic therapies and diet changes.

Prepare for conception with our Beeja Shuddi preconceptional care program, designed to nourish both mother and child. Experience the healing power of Marma therapy, which involves the application of subtle pressure on certain body parts to stimulate life force. Find relief from intense complaints instantly with our Sujok & Moksa healing system, which is effective for pain management and chronic ailments.

Achieve your ideal weight with our Obesity Management Program, which includes guidance for rejuvenation of body and mind, lifestyle modifications to prevent diseases, and treatment for all sorts of physical and mental ailments. Embark on a journey of holistic healing at Sri Sri Prema. Contact us at 040-44 108 108 or visit our website at to learn more about our Ayurvedic programs and start your transformative journey today.


Sri Sri Prema’s rehabilitation centre offers a range of services to support your recovery and well-being. Our post-hospitalization care is designed to help you transition smoothly from hospital to home, with a focus on geriatric care and long-term care for those who need it. Our skilled nursing team provides compassionate and expert nursing care, while our neurological care program offers specialized support for those with neurological conditions. Our medical supervision ensures that you receive the best possible care throughout your rehabilitation journey.

We also offer orthopaedic rehabilitation to help you regain strength and mobility after an injury or surgery. Our post-Covid care program is designed to support your recovery from the effects of Covid-19, with a focus on restoring your physical and mental well-being. At our rehabilitation centre, we are committed to helping you achieve your health goals and enhance your quality of life.

Contact us at 040-44 108 108 or visit our website at to learn more about our rehabilitation services and how we can support your recovery.